Using an app to control and monitor your garage door just makes sense. The technology is there and your phone is always on you, so why not take advantage of them both? You can check on the status of your door and close it if someone has left it open, give access to visitors and employees and keep an eye on who's coming and going with automated notifications that you can also curate to your liking.

Our App has been around for a while now, so when the time came to upgrade it, we listened to feedback and made some tweaks that improved the user experience. The app is clearly laid out, making it simpler to use, and it's quicker too!

For existing users, the new App will automatically migrate from the old App; you don't need to download a separate App.

We’ve created a brief Q&A below, to help you understand the benefits of the app and how it can give you complete control over your garage doors and gates.

What is it?

The app acts as your silent alarm with instant notifications alerting you whenever your door is in use, open for an extended period or if your opener is due for a service.

An activity log shows usage history on the App so that you know who has operated your garage door, and when.

You have total control to operate and check on your garage door at all times (WiFi connection dependent). You can also grant full or temporary access for family, friends and deliveries, or remove access at the click of a button.

Voice control is there for you. Use the hands-free function to control your garage door with your chosen voice assistant - Siri Shortcuts, Alexa or Google Home.

Camera surveillance can be included. Pair your App and Dominator Cameras for convenient and thorough home safety. Gives you full control to monitor access to your home, whether you’re there or not!


How does it work?

The app works in tandem with your Dominator Garage Door Opener to operate the garage door and monitor the garage door via push notifications sent to your phone.

Who can use it?

Multiple users can operate from one app, with the owner controlling the level of accessibility for each user. Different hubs can also be set up, effectively creating groups of users for each situation, eg a hub for your home and another for your business. Anyone with a compatible smartphone can become a user.


What are some of the differences to the new App?

  • An improved user interface with larger buttons and a whole new look & feel
  • The user navigation has been improved to be easier and more intuitive 
  • The app is faster to use
  • The set-up process has been improved on the app and is easier to follow.


You may be wondering...

How many hubs can I set up in this new App?
There is no limit on how many hubs you can add to the new App.

Do I need to log in/out of the App if I have multiple hubs?
All hubs will be displayed on the dashboard; you don't need to log out to access different hubs.

Are there any changes to the key set-up process on the opener?
No, there is no change to the set-up process on the opener.

Can I pair my camera with my opener?
Yes, you can pair the camera with the opener.

Can I still have different User Types?
Yes, you can still set up different User Types for each opener.


Above, from left: Dominator Smart enabled openers, the Dominator Smartphone Control Kit and Dominator Cameras.

If you'd like to find out more, contact your local dealer, book online for a free measure and quote, or call 0800 DOMINATOR (366 462).

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